Sunday, January 6, 2013

DevArt trolls

Hey guys,

For some reason I decided to log into my Deviant Art account this morning. I haven't been on there in months, in fact the last time I think was in August. This morning I was greeted with tons of comments from the same person, on every single costuming pic I have up, on how ridiculous I looked. So sweet of someone to take the time to go thru my entire gallery and try to insult me.

Did it bother me? No, not really.  I have been insulted by much better than the likes of her.

The point of this entry is that crap like this is the reason I no longer visit that site among so many others....people like that lack manners. And its disgusting, that they have nothing better to do than try to insult others to make themselves feel a tiny bit better and perhaps more powerful? Yes it's powerful to hide behind a screen and insult someone for doing something you are too chicken-shit to do yourself.

Peace out guys,

Kat xx

1 comment:

  1. Whoever did that is a total dick. Probably some silly little tart who is ugly as sin with a personality to match sitting behind her screen belittling people. Makes me so angry! It's total bs, you and your outfits are amazing and that's more than can be said for retards like her.

    Love you babe, keep your chin up

    X x x
